
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:13:08
求me and you lucky twice 高潮铃声 mp3 lucky twice me and you铃声 能不能给我lucky twice me and you的 鹂可以组什么词 黄鹂的鹂还能组什么词? 鹂字可以组什么词?最少俩 鹂还能组什么词 喜欢对手 作文我今天就要, 小花仙稀有花种任务:粉色牵牛花怎么要啊? 英语翻译我现在读高一.下学期就要分文理科了 我想选理科.但是我数学比较弱 我以后想当一名英语翻译.到底选文科还是理科好呢? 求英文翻译"我还没有决定要学文科还是理科" 修改病句科技发展到今天,谁也不会否认地球不是绕着太阳运行的 写对偶句或排比句用对偶句或排比句写3段话1:居室特点.(20——30字)2:喜爱的花,表达喜爱之情(同上)3:物品(40——50字)不用太好,差不多就行,有点对不上也没事 今天就用!那就麻烦 给我一些精彩的对偶句、排比句吧!我想要提高自己的作文水平,因此需要些此类句子,给我一些,以便背诵! 对四季的描写...(最好是排比句)要文笔精美.句式整齐.描写生动.PS:不一定要太长..重要的是要句式整齐 最好还能是描写山间小路的四季之景谢啦.. The teacher made him do him homework改被动语态 39.——Dad,please tell me when Mum_____.I miss her very much. ——She will return when she_____her task.And she will bring a nice present for you. A.returns;finishes B.returns;will finish C.will return;finishes D.wi Rain please tell me now does that seem fair for her to steal my heart away when she don't care.为什么最后那里是don't而不是 doesn't 什么叫形容词? 英语选择题(tell me why)10Jane will never forge these days ____ she lived in China with her mother,____has a great effect on her life.A.when;who B.which;who C.when ;which D.where ;that11.Look!It is not so ______as yesterday,so there are ____ p the guests ___ my home on time last weekenda.got b.arrived c.is invented d.was invented 同义句1.all of us had a good time last weekend 2.all of us ________ _____ last weekend hello,l am ben.my family__a happy time last weekend.we__to the nature park to__animals__so cure.my mother__housework and__dinner at home.my father __a magezine.ln the evening,we__dinner together and watched tv.选项:(took for was were ate cooked s 当人的发育进入青春期,除生殖器官发育不断趋向成熟外,还表现出_________________________________________________________________等特点.因此,我们应注意:________________________________________________________________ 青春期时人体最大的变化是什么?男女生殖器官发育成熟的标志是什么?男孩的“遗精”和女孩的“月经”一样吗请你说说你的观点 男生第二性征是什么呢 时间观念该搭配哪些形容词 I didn't finish my test because I _______ time. A.run out of B.ran out of my sister always ___(表扬) me when I did well at home____(swim )is my favourite sport didn’t finish writing my test because I run out of time.我怎么觉得run out of 要改为had run out of ou look angry .what is the mattetr I found my elder sister ___my diary when l got home.A.looking through B.looking after C.looking for I didn’t finish writing my test because I run out of time.我错了,我的意思是这句话对不对我怎么觉得run out of 要改为had run out of