
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:09:35
My brother is two years _____(old) than me. Your friends are the ones who make you happy.Your friend is someone who makes me happy这两个句子中那个who 是作主语?那个who是起引导作用的?求详解, 有哪些有趣的科学现象和问题题 题 英语翻译 请问中国已建成的CBD有几个?是哪几个?全球性的CBD 中国哪个城市有CBD 中国CBD是什么 中国的CBD是哪里 Do you agree or disagree people should always tell the truth 不是翻译, .I hear ________ boys in your school like playing badminton after school.A.quite a lot B.quite a bit C.quite a little D.quite a few其余的怎么错了 ( ) your friends playing football?No A.( ) your friends playing football?No A.areB.doC.is 为什么是thank you for not smoking而不用no? c++:确定PI的值Description确定PI的值,PI=4-4/3+4/5-4/7+4/9……Input第一行为测试数据组数n.下面有n行,每行有一个整数m,Output每组数据输出一行,包含要求该数列的前m项的和,精确到小数点后5位.Sample Inpu 电影thank you for smoking 台词 They don't have any yo-yos.用no改写同义词 they're don't have any Chinese books.改为同义句 看两者数据有没有显著性差异数据为:(本题为不定项选择)为人师表 敬业精神 严谨治学 男 47% 23% 30%女 35% 27% 35% 合浦属于广西哪个地级市?合浦是县还是区? 求公路管理局的翻译RT,求“公路管理局”的英文翻译,注意是公路管理局,不是公路运输管理局,这是不同部门.谢谢~~ 形容水果 诗句 谁有关于水果的诗词?要有诗人,起码有5-6首 they don't have any yo-yos.(用no改同义句 磷酸戊糖途径的生理意义有哪些?越详细越好. 丢丢是什么意思 Let's____ A take walk B take a walk C take walking D take a walking let's take a walka.yes,let'sb,oh,thanksc.yes,please Let's take a walk,OK?______ _______takeing a walk? 玻璃刀 金刚石 合金两种刀头哪个比较硬?合金刀头和金刚石刀头哪个比较耐用? 英语翻译Some vacation is just around the corner.One of the best things you can possibly do is to start your own club.It's greatfun especially if you are the sort of person who feels there's never anything to do during the school holidays.The firs 过华清宫 译文 过华清宫译文译文中心都要过华清宫唐·杜牧长安回望绣成堆山顶千门次第开一骑红尘妃子笑无人知是荔枝来 I did something special last month(改为一般疑问句)