
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 08:17:01
____Your brother _____(climb) the hill on sundays?----No,he _____(fly) kites with me . The desk ,one of--?---legs is broken ,needs repairing.A whoseB whichC itD its Classes Taken at School/University Relevant to Desired Training是什么意思 TAKEN AT THE FLOOD怎么样 用A和B组成一个新的单词并写出中文意思A:1.class 2.after 3.black 4.foot 5.basket 6.bed 7.bath 8.sitting 9.dining10.water 11.police 12.police 13.pine 14.song 15.some 16.base B:apple ball ball ball times man melon board noon woman book ro I like the book superman (是斜体)very much 修改病句 Last fall, light winds and get the windowsill, silk yarn poplin transparent 这是什么意思? We should not judge a person by her appearance and clothes because________________.因为什么? 急求一篇英语论述文,话题是One should never judge a person by external appearances.要用详细的理由和细节来论证这个观点,最好要有故事举例来论证我要一些独到的见解和例证,不要那些范文 stupid girl by pink 歌词中英对照,Stupid girl,stupid girls,stupid girls Maybe if I act like that,that guy will call me back What a paparazzi girl,I don't wanna be a stupid girl Go to Fred Segal,you'll find them there Laughing loud so all the lit 伯贤韩站see the light 现在 背景音乐 求白贤韩站see the light 现在的背景音乐 求现在白贤韩站SEE THE LIGHT背景音乐嘤嘤嘤 求exo的残翼,see the light,送日 改错 1.Does this sign means‘Danger’?2.You shouldn’t smoking here.. 以"My summer vacation plans of 2011"为题的英语作文,明年你打算怎样去度过你的暑 一.发挥想象力将"爷爷,我还有零钱."这句话的省略号补充完整. 神奇的克隆中省略号省略了什么补充一句 把省略号补充完整,使句子诗意化1.落叶纷纷……2.雪夜,窗外响起了……3.花的故事……4.忽然,一阵鸟声传来…… 以My summer vacation plans of 2011写一篇书面表达 ( )that sign mean"No smoking"?No,it means"Danger".A.Is B.Does C.Do D.Are could you like to __ me your book Aborrow B lend when it fall apart的意思? one car come one car go,two car peng peng,one car die! One car come,oee car go,two car pengpeng,one car die.的意思是?一辆车来了,一辆车走了,两辆车碰在一起,一辆车报废。这是个小笑话 能不能在翻译的精简,幽默一些啊? One car comr ,one car go,two car pengpeng,one car die. Ok!one car come ,one car go ,two car beng beng ,one car die .One car come one car Go..Two car [PengPeng] one car Die!--知道这啥意思不? 法音的英文名? tom went upstairs again to ()the door was looked .A be sure B make sure C be sure of everything 谁知道 歌词里面有 everything everything 什么什么的 是中文歌啊 谁知道 歌词里面有 everything everything 什么什么的啊 是中文歌 只是中间有点everything everything 什么什么的 不知道叫什么名字 是女的