来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:55:21
意识和认识混淆了这两句话都是对的:意识对改造客观世界具有指导作用正确的认识对实践具有指导作用那么,为什么意识前面就不用加“正确的”呢? 高中政治哲学材料题的原理不知如何找,总感觉题干与原理无关我是一高中生,开始学哲学,上课是听懂了,但下课后题目却不会做,总觉得所给材料的题干内容与哲学原理好像都没有关系,无从下 What does he like wearing I don't know.(合为一句) I don't know _____ _____ ______. 快车和慢车同时从甲乙两地相向开出,快车每小时行驶40千米,经过3小时,快车已驶过中点25千米,慢车每小时行多少千米? 砀山的黄河故道风景怎么样?谁来说说啊…… 砀山实验中学杀人案.麻烦知情的同学详细的讲来,哎. 现在的大型客机的速度是多少? 英语翻译可能我没讲清楚,我要一个单词来形容fish,这样子的。最好是学术上通用的,我查了好多地方查不到, 普通客机的速度 虾,鱼,螺狮,哪个是无脊椎动物? ()_____I look at the picture_____I like it.A.The()_____I look at the picture_____I like it.A.The best;the more B.The more;the less C.The more;less D.More;the more what subject does her like best 这句有错吗 问:停电多长时间 停电一般要过多久才能好?今天3月27 按理要停电一小时 可是还没到停电的时间 怎么就停了… 经常停电硬盘还能用多久?我的住房电压带不多许多搞电功率的电器!导致停电! 现在哪里停电较多?停电多久?我要做中国停电市场调查,朋友们多多提供停电信息,很理解停电的痛苦,所以才做市场调查以便开展下一步工作,希望大家都说说遇到的停电情况. 21号以后真的会停电吗?停几天?是21号停电还是22号停电? She is sweep the floor now,错在哪里啊 I liked the picture___,the more I looked at it A.better B.the better C.best D.the best 不选B 一堆西瓜,第一次卖出总数的四分之一多3个,第二次卖出余下的三分之二多三个,还快 "更喜欢"是应该说like better还是like more? We grow neither better nor worse as we grow old but more like ourselves请帮我分析下这句话 感恩除了可以感谢父母、老师.还有什么比较个性的话题必须由此话题可以引申出一篇记叙文 a——coke里面填一个英文单词,要形容词,求解 Coke是可数名次还是不可数名次 义乌那有防潮石灰买的 and our circus is one of the only places left willing to support this special role of performinganimals in the existence of the species We liked the oil painting better ___we looked at it.A.asB.whileC.the moment D.the more为什么? putting out a fire with milkbritish milkman steve leech saved some shops and flats with milk and won a national bravery awardleech,35 years old,said that when he was sending out milk as u(1) along pine street,he s(2) heard a loud,strange sound behind "In other words"翻译一下 in the other words 与 in other words 区别 In other words,by going beyond the standard web pages for text-only results,Google is working harder to get you the answers you're after.翻译