
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:31:55
Say的近义词,Learn的近义词是什么? 请翻译:Where there is a will,there is a way. i shall never forget the days ___we spent together last yearA.that B.whenC.whereD.how选哪个?为什么? I'll never forget the days___I learnt hard in my senior high school,___changed my whole life.A.that;which B.when;which C.which;when D.that;that I.will never forget the day that.we play (spend)together. I shall never forget those years __ I lived in town with my family,_had a great effect on my lifewhen which 请以"这世界需要你"为题,是这样说的:请以"这世界需要你"为题,写一篇不少于800字的文章.要求:1.自定立意 2.除诗歌外文体不限 3,文体特征鲜明我写的作文题目是《善良的种子,这世界需要你 这世界需要你 题目中的“你” 只能是“我” ,只能写自己怎么被需要了么?我写的大概把你当做了一颗树啊,写的散文 说没有了树怎样、因此需要 这样有没有跑题啊! j今年山东作文,题目是 这世界需要你,可我写成了 另外一个题目,能扣多少分 1,They are gong to take a plane to Sanya.(改为同义句) They are going to to( )( )Sanya.2,How do like the book?(改为同义句)3,Where does he live?Do you know?(合并为宾语从句)4,Don't you want to make our country more beautiful?(做 问一句英语的句式?What facked man you are!是不是一句强调句? 请教此句英语句型是否正确句子如下:The price we offered for you is that my assistant quoted for you .此句型的语法 总觉得有点不自然.另外,此句的quote 与offer 都是报价的意思吗?请教更好英语句子来表达 什么时候这个世界才会改变? 如果给我一点时间,我可以改变这个世界!用英语怎么写? 用“天”,“地”形容:比喻变化极大;形容时间长,永远不变.还有形容事业伟大;影响巨大或声势浩大;形容大风时天地间黯然无光. 小学英语语法重要吗? ULIKE be going to be的过去式和现在进行时是什么 oppo Ulike Style的三款A520 U529 U525专柜报价各是多少?很惊讶许多人买了oppo Ulike Style系列的都在网上说质量不好,根本不值这个价,但又有许多人说还不错.已经晕了,到底哪边才是托啊.我刚买了台A oppo,oppo当什么讲oppo指什么意思呢于明是哪个领导的女婿呀 shifty When we were young 中文翻译When we were young, everything was so new,We broke all the rules just to do it,And I don't know how the hell I lived through it,Young and on the run, getting loaded like a gun,When we were young[Verse 1:]Now ti 首字母:Whales live in the o_______.ocean还是oceans 形容词比较级,写6种,一对一对的, 艳这个字的英文名怎么拼 雪艳英文名字怎么起或者是艳 帮我起个(艳子)英文名. she then began to make up her face为什么began后面的动词make不是过去式made? she then began to make up her face中then的位置then表示然后一般不是放到句首或着句尾吗 为什么放到了主语的后面 she then began to make up her face.然后她开始打扮起来.请问其中的then是什么副词?为什么说它就是这种副词? the lady opended her handbag and took out her power compact.she then bagan to make up her face.then能挪到she前面吗.she能省略吗 she had made up her face ,rearranged her hair .是不是少了连接词 因为有两个谓语动词 我的名字里有一个文,请问我可以取怎样的英文名?我悬赏的分少了点,希望不要紧!