
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 08:16:28
If Mrs.Green ______(get)back,please let me know.填空 apply oneself to sth.的意思~他是不是和apply one's mind to sth.一样捏? If Mr Smith___back,please let me know.为什么填comes 而不是will come?不是主句是一般现在是,从句可以用所有时态吗? raise sth._ sb.介词是to 还是 for The book is________(介词或数词) animals.You Can learn a lot in it. (数学)原点在虚轴上吗?复数z=(m^2-m-2)+(m^2-3m+2)i的对应点位于复平面的虚轴上,则实数m的值是___________我做出来是-1或2,答案只有个-1但是把2带进去算,算出来z=(0,0),那么这不是原点吗? 求一句话的句子结构及语法分析,英译汉In a country obsessed with class,much has been made of the fact that a commoner is marrying royalty.请问这句话much引导的是同位语吗?has been made of是被动态吗?整句怎么翻译好? 英译汉,并分析句子成分,2010年高考英语试题安徽卷阅读理解C中的一句话:Los Angeles and Houston are cities where population shifts to and from the city reflect the changing values of American society.请问这个句子中refl If he comes back,please let me know.如果他回来了,请通知我.(从句中的谓语动词用comes back,表示一般将来时,决不可用will come back)comes back,是一般现在时?为什么come加s 数学中、函数图像上的空心原点是什么意思?在数学的函数图像中、有一种是实心的原点、还有一种是空心的、请问空心的原点代表了什么意思? apply oneselfshe applies herself consistently.这是一个英国人的原句.我也是觉得很奇怪 请问apply one's mind to 和apply oneself to 中的to是什么词性? They want to()the teacherA:talk for B:talk to C:talk at D:talk in__Lucy and Lily __(do)homework I enjoy this a lot ,a lot是什么意思用a lot造句as well 什么意思+造句 英语翻译哪个高手帮我译下这段.Intel requires you to use Intel routing guide solely to obtain carrier and service level assignments for shipments tendered by or on behalf of you and for no other purpose. All the good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened. 这句话啥意思? 应该如何分析? 写梅、兰、竹、菊的诗句各两句.要有名一点的.是诗句,不要全诗! take good care of Baby and I.came back to take care of you and your Baby的中文意思 today I will take some dialogues to you .it is from a movie called Titanic ____is your favourite sport?Fishing.A..Who B.Which C.Whom D.Whose Don't Look Back In Anger 歌词 德文 “Tur offen 显示屏上一直在来回的跳 Fehler:Druckkopf Offen 德语 请问bitte halten sie meine rechnung offen. offen和always的区别 有谁能告诉我怎样养藕啊?要求是具体步骤~谢谢了~ i am back to china 藕断丝连的科学解释 为什么 藕断了 丝还会连着? Ger 鲁鲁修动画片中,"Yes,My Lord" ,"Yes,Your Highness"和"Yes,Your Majesty"该怎么用?顺便说说它们分别是什么意思啊哈~还有,"All Hail Lelouch"是什么意思? The city was virtually destroyed by the earthquakeThe city was ( ) destroyed by the earthquakeA.really B. virtually C.truly D.actually答案是B,为什么不是D?You must behave yourself( )the presence of judge.in&before 为什么答案是in 不 Your Grace Your是怎么来的?为什么说Your 像Your Excellencies,Your Grace有些却说My像 My LordsYour是怎么来的?