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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/15 01:23:19 英语口语


  Artificial Intelligence, also known as A.I., is a science fiction movie which was about the future. This science fiction drama movie was directed and produced by the famous movie maker Steven Spielberg and was released in the year 2001. This movie was adopted from a short story and was a hit in the American Box office.

  I watched it at the end of the 2001 for the first time and later in 2012, I watched it again with my family members. The movie plot was set to a future time when the number of population was drastically reduced due to the global warming and other natural disaster. As the name of the movie implies, the artificial intelligence has flourished at that time and people produced robots that exactly resembled the human. Not only they look like human, they act, think and feel like human. The movie set the plot at a time that is yet to come. The human like robots, their feelings, love, hatred etc are still is its preliminary stage but the movie depicts the time when all of those have been achieved.

  The story line went on to further future, two thousand years later when the humans are extinct and Manhattan city got buried under several hundred feet of glacial ice. Then the super intelligence has evolved who could create a clone of human from the DNA.

  The movie depicted the future where global warming and other natural disasters cased the dramatic decrease of the human. At a later state, the movie shows that the humans are extinct and only highly intelligent powers exists. The intelligence gets so powerful that they can create human from DNA. They become interested in human and want to know about human to find the true meaning of existence.


  I remember many books and movies that I enjoyed and were based on future events and plots. I would like to talk about one such book that was written by James Maroon. The name of the book was ‘The lonely planet’. In my opinion it was one of the best books I英语口语