
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/26 01:33:29

波兰裔法国女物理学家、化学家居里夫人(Marie Curie),因发现放射性物质和发现并提炼出镭和钋,荣获1903年诺贝尔物理学奖和1911年的化学奖.
美国物理学家巴丁(John Bardeen)因发明世界上第一支晶体管和提出超导微观理论,分获1956年和1972年诺贝尔物理学奖.
美国化学家鲍林(Linus pauling)因为将量子力学应用于化学领域并阐明了化学键的本质,并且致力于核武器的国际控制,同时还发起反对核实验运动而荣获1954年的化学奖和1962年的和平奖.
英国生物化学家桑格(Frederick Sanger)由于发现胰岛素分子结构和确定核酸的碱基排列顺序及结构而分获1958年和1980年的诺贝尔化学奖.

In a sense,,it is a truth that one's life can be accomplished on a Nobel Prize.Can two people who not only received the Nobel Peace Prize ,but also was rarely in the true sense.Such a "rare" one of the best around the world is only a few:
Polish-born in French physicist and chemist Marie Curie (Marie Curie),radioactive substances discovered and extracted of radium and polonium,was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 and the Prize in Chemistry in 1911.
Badin U.S.physicists (John Bardeen) invented the world's first transistor and found a microscopic theory of superc onductivity in 1956 ,and won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1972 .
American chemist Linus Pauling (Linus pauling) is award by the chemical used in the field of quantum mechanics and clarify the nature of the chemical bond ,which is committed to the international control of nuclear weapons,but also launched the campaign against the nuclear tests was awarded the Prize in Chemistry in 1954 and 1962 Peace Prize.
British biochemist Sanger (Frederick Sanger) of insulin is regarded by discovery the identification of the molecular structure in nucleic acid sequence and the structure of the base ,and finally won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1958 and in 1980 .

It will be meaningful and successful for one to get a nobel prize one time in his life in a sense. Those who are able to win the nobel prize twice all their life, strickly speaking, do exist but are t...


It will be meaningful and successful for one to get a nobel prize one time in his life in a sense. Those who are able to win the nobel prize twice all their life, strickly speaking, do exist but are truly rare and only several talents enjoy the honor :
Marie Curie , woman physicist, chemist of Polish French, won noble physics prize and chemistry prize in 1958 and 1911 respectively for her great discovery of radioactive substances and discovering and refining radium and polonium.
John Bardeen, the first American physicist to invent transistor and put forward Microscopic theory of superconductivity, won noble physics prize in 1956 and 1972 respectively .
Linus pauling, Ameriman chemist, won noble chemistry and peace prize in 1954 and 1962 respectively for applying quantum mechanics into chemical field, clarifying the essence of chemical bond, devoting his life to the control of nuclear weapons world-wide and launching campaigns against Nuclear Experiment
Frederick Sanger, British Biochemists, won noble chemistry in 1958 and 1980 respectively for his epochal discovery of insulin molecular structure and decide the order of
bases of nucleic acids and their structure.


英语翻译从某种意义上讲,一个人一生能获一次诺贝尔奖就可谓功成名就,不虚此生了.能两次获得诺贝尔奖的人不说绝无仅有,也可谓真正意义上的凤毛麟角.这样的“凤毛麟角”全世界只有数 “从某种意义上来说”英语翻译 什么叫从某种意义上讲?怎么造句? 乌迪尔从某种意义上讲他有几种动物属性 乌迪尔从某种意义上讲他有几种动物属性 乌迪尔从某种意义上讲他有几种动物属性 为什么从某种意义上讲,是劳动创造了人本身?求大神帮助 从法律意义上讲的瑕疵 翻译:从某种意义上,用英语怎么说 “从某种意义上说” 用英语怎么说啊? 拿破仑战争从某种意义上说是第一次世界大战 从某种意义上来说,这句是废话吗? 中国传统文化在某种意义上 英语翻译1 从某种意义上讲,微笑不仅可以使人愉快,还可以帮我们解决生活中的小问题,这就是我们要多微笑的原因 (in a way)2 看管一个用计算机语言进行交流的足球队是很滑稽的。(wat 英语翻译1 从某种意义上讲,微笑不仅可以使人愉快,还可以帮我们解决生活中的小问题,这就是我们要多微笑的原因 (in a way)2 看管一个用计算机语言进行交流的足球队是很滑稽的。(wat 英语翻译一句话.严格来说和从某种程度上说. 从某种意义上理解,人类是地球上的细菌病毒吗? 请问如何翻译:在某种意义上说,幽默感是一个人的宝贵资产,要用上a sense of