笛卡尔写的一段文字,哪位高手能翻译一下啊~~I am in doubt as to the propriety of making my first meditations in the place above mentioned matterof discourse; for these are so metaphysical, and so uncommon, as not, perhaps, to be accep

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/22 15:23:30
笛卡尔写的一段文字,哪位高手能翻译一下啊~~I am in doubt as to the propriety of making my first meditations in the place above mentioned matterof discourse; for these are so metaphysical, and so uncommon, as not, perhaps, to be accep

笛卡尔写的一段文字,哪位高手能翻译一下啊~~I am in doubt as to the propriety of making my first meditations in the place above mentioned matterof discourse; for these are so metaphysical, and so uncommon, as not, perhaps, to be accep
I am in doubt as to the propriety of making my first meditations in the place above mentioned matter
of discourse; for these are so metaphysical, and so uncommon, as not, perhaps, to be acceptable
to every one. And yet, that it may be determined whether the foundations that I have laid are
sufficiently secure, I find myself in a measure constrained to advert to them. I had long before
remarked that, in relation to practice, it is sometimes necessary to adopt, as if above doubt, opinions
which we discern to be highly uncertain, as has been already said; but as I then desired to give my
attention solely to the search after truth, I thought that a procedure exactly the opposite was called
for, and that I ought to reject as absolutely false all opinions in regard to which I could suppose the
least ground for doubt, in order to ascertain whether after that there remained aught in my belief
that was wholly indubitable. Accordingly, seeing that our senses sometimes deceive us, I was willing
to suppose that there existed nothing really such as they presented to us; and because some men
err in reasoning, and fall into paralogisms, even on the simplest matters of geometry, I, convinced
that I was as open to error as any other, rejected as false all the reasonings I had hitherto taken for
demonstrations; and finally, when I considered that the very same thoughts (presentations) which
we experience when awake may also be experienced when we are asleep, while there is at that time
not one of them true, I supposed that all the objects (presentations) that had ever entered into my
mind when awake, had in them no more truth than the illusions of my dreams. But immediately
upon this I observed that, whilst I thus wished to think that all was false, it was absolutely necessary
that I, who thus thought, should be somewhat; and as I observed that this truth, I think, therefore I
am (COGITO ERGO SUM), was so certain and of such evidence that no ground of doubt, however
extravagant, could be alleged by the sceptics capable of shaking it, I concluded that I might, without
scruple, accept it as the first principle of the philosophy of which I was in search.

笛卡尔写的一段文字,哪位高手能翻译一下啊~~I am in doubt as to the propriety of making my first meditations in the place above mentioned matterof discourse; for these are so metaphysical, and so uncommon, as not, perhaps, to be accep
你的影子 无处不在
因为一种思想 你的光芒一路照耀
“I think therefore I am”
来自哲学的呓语 谁的声音如梭
说Rene Descartes(笛卡尔)是法国历史上最大的哲学家大概也不过分.德国存在哲学大家Heidegger(海德格尔)曾说:“自从Leibniz(莱布尼兹)以来,德国思想界所达到的,Descartes的基础理论的(各种)主要发展(变化),丝毫没能超越这个基础理论,而恰恰展开了它形上学的广度,而为十九世纪创造了前提.”
从这些简单、初步的“疑点”出发,Descartes把他的怀疑推到极致:“我愿意假定,一切真理的源泉不是仁慈的上帝,而是一个同样狡猾、同样有法力的恶魔,施尽全身的解数,要将我引上歧途.我愿假定,天空、空气、土地、形状、色彩、声音和一切外在事物都不过是那欺人的梦境的呈现,而那个恶魔就是要利用这些来换取我的轻信.我要这样来观察自己:好像我既没有双手,也没有双眼,也没有肉体,也没有血液,也没有一切的器官,而仅仅是糊涂地相信这些的存在.”(《Discours de la Methode》)
Descartes接着说:“正当我企图相信这一起都是虚假的同时,我发现:有些东西(对于我的怀疑)是必不可少的,这就是‘那个正在思维的我’!由于‘我思,故我在’这个事实超越了一切怀疑论者的怀疑,我将把它作为我所追求的哲学第一条原理.” 《Discours de la Methode》
“我思,故我在”的中文的表述是很含糊、不确切的,我们的同胞的对哲学大师Descartes的误解基本上是这个中文表述所导致的.不过,在这件事上,我们中国人并不是哲学世界中唯一的迷途羔羊,几百年来,欧洲哲学界也是这样看待他的.造成这个误解的根源是Descartes的法文名著《Discours de la Methode》的拉丁文翻译.在这本书的拉丁译文中赫然可见:cogito ergo sum!(“我思,故我在!”假如在翻译这句话时去掉表示“我”的ergo,而直接译成cogitans sum大概比较合乎原意).由于当时的哲学著作绝大部分使用拉丁文,而法文只是一种地方语言,从此,这句拉丁文不胫而走,成了Descartes哲学的代名词,而那法文的原文je pense,donc je suis反而淹没不张了.Descartes的初衷是建立一个不容置疑的学术方法体系,而他哲学原则的出发点首先就遭到了广泛的误解,历史就是这样的不公平.

笛卡尔写的一段文字,哪位高手能翻译一下啊~~I am in doubt as to the propriety of making my first meditations in the place above mentioned matterof discourse; for these are so metaphysical, and so uncommon, as not, perhaps, to be accep 以一下一段文字为话题写作文:走出森林,你就能闻到泥土的味道.拜托各位了!看到这题目我就汗颜了.不晓得怎么写.哪位高手帮帮忙~ 哪位高手能帮我把一段关于书法的文字翻译成英文啊~~需要翻译的文字如下,不要机器翻译的湖州籍书法家沈尹默是近代中国最负盛名的书法家之一.然众所周知,“金无足赤,人无完人”,褒奖之 哪位高手能帮我翻译一段英文文章呀 英语翻译帮忙翻译一下这句话的具体内涵,然后写一段文字论述一下, 哪位高手帮忙翻译一下“羡慕嫉妒恨”的英文怎么表达,最好能贴近原意. 英语翻译哪位英文高手能帮忙翻译一下希望和贵公司会有更好的合作, 刚开始那段英文是什么意思?有哪位高手能翻译一下啊?谢谢. 帮忙翻译一下数字语言!这是一段感人的情书,哪位高手帮忙翻译一下!584,5682177778,12234,1798,7668,587129955,829475 麻烦哪位高手给翻译一段文字,再解释一下什么意思Water to energy ratio (ml/MJ) 哪位高手能回答一下怎么样用coreldraw做变形文字?比如象旗子上的字,随旗子的波动变化而变化?自己找到了, 请问哪位高手能帮我翻译一下以下这段文字(中翻英)请从字面上逐字翻译以下这段文字(但要符合语法规则哦):本文章从信息技术与课程课程整合的历史背景、整合的意义、整合的模式出发,以 what is love 歌词take what 的一首歌好像叫what is love哪位高手能给翻译一下啊?在线急等.有加分. 写一段文字,赞美一下牵牛花. 试问一下,哪位高手知道eminem 的翻译?麻烦,那为英语高手谢谢! 翻译求助-----芯片的datasheet里的一段有一段MAX9203datasheet上的文字,就是看不懂,请高手翻译一下Input Slew-Rate RequirementsAs with all high-speed comparators, the high gain-bandwidth product of the MAX9201/MAX9202/ MAX9203 如何写出好的议论文话题为成功之道,要求写一篇议论文,哪位高手能指点一下如何写好!有文章参考一下更好~~谢谢 子刚玉牌上的文字是什么烦请哪位大师帮忙给看下,这块玉牌上面的字是什么意思?最好能翻译一下.谢谢.谢谢.