【英译中】andy老师进Brent Jones + The TP Mobb are back,and back with a vengeance with their sophomore project.The Southern California aggregation's first release was successful in showing themselves to be innovators rather than duplicators.Wi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/20 16:06:55
【英译中】andy老师进Brent Jones + The TP Mobb are back,and back with a vengeance with their sophomore project.The Southern California aggregation's first release was successful in showing themselves to be innovators rather than duplicators.Wi

【英译中】andy老师进Brent Jones + The TP Mobb are back,and back with a vengeance with their sophomore project.The Southern California aggregation's first release was successful in showing themselves to be innovators rather than duplicators.Wi
Brent Jones + The TP Mobb are back,and back with a vengeance with their sophomore project.
The Southern California aggregation's first release was successful in showing themselves to be innovators rather than duplicators.With Beautiful,Jones & Mobb enter this project with renewed vigor,with the results being nothing short of stellar.
The 12-track journey combines a mixture of a number of musical styles that,while diverse,are decidely urban and show that the Mobb is secure in their place.

【英译中】andy老师进Brent Jones + The TP Mobb are back,and back with a vengeance with their sophomore project.The Southern California aggregation's first release was successful in showing themselves to be innovators rather than duplicators.Wi
Brent Jones & the TP Mobb回来了,带着他们第二年的作品来势汹汹地归来了.
这个南加州组合的首张专辑成功地显示他们是创新者而不是模仿者.Jones & Mobb对专辑“Beautiful”投入了全新的精力,得到的是不折不扣的辉煌结果.
参与制作的除了其他人以外,还有备受赞誉的Alex 揂saph? Ward 及Walter 'Lil Walt' Milsap Jr..
开头曲 "Get Up" 是一首使人愉悦的舞曲,它忠告听众要以自己的方式去赞美上帝;它为这个称颂上帝的派对起了个好头,并为这一场充满欢乐的音乐之旅做好铺垫.
随后的歌曲继续保持高能量,例如Ward制作的"Spiritual Things" 和 "Holy Ghost High",这两首歌由Jonathan Dubose Jr 演奏吉他,充斥着西海岸氛围,记载受圣灵影响的美丽事件.在这可明显的看到Jones 与 Mobb在他们作品里继续保持那种惬意的流畅.
另一个音乐珍品是"Rich",一首以强劲节奏的雷鬼迪厅舞曲为背景的热情奔放歌曲.由Mobb 成员Stephen "Rasta GT" Dolphin为主渲染人,你会情不自禁地跟着舞动.引人朗朗上口的("I'm so rich, I'm so rich, it doesn't make sense that I could be rich like this")经过Dolphin的强调与扩大领唱,提醒我们真正的财宝并不是宾利车与钻石而是耶稣基督.
简而言之,Brent Jones确有写作之才.12首曲中的8首是他个人或协作编写的;Jones有明显编写歌曲的天赋,能让你在处理实际生活的同时,一起思考、跳舞和敬拜耶稣基督.
Brent Jones & the TP Mobb首次亮相
Brent Jones & the TP Mobb 的首张同名专辑包含一首畅销曲"Good Time".
由Jones编写的 "When I See You" 讲述基督是如何看待我们,不计较我们的现状,而是未来的转变.因此,我们知道基督将我们看作‘一尘不染’、‘完美无缺’及‘将来如何’.
这首歌是以我们与上帝一对一的交谈方式演唱.作为本曲主唱的LaShana Dendy 及Chris "CC" Cuffie两人的表现引人瞩目,并欣然阐释上帝对我们的爱以及与他亲密来往的美好优点.
无独有偶,作为领唱者的Jones, 他的特色遍及整首主打歌"Beautiful".他的嗓音独树一帜,那丰满的男高音音色及悦耳的颤音,让人立即就能认出是他.下面的合唱就能体现他的写作能力:
当你觉得已饱尝得再装不下了,Jones却将SWV的前主唱Cheryl "Coko" Gamble请到麦克风前,以她特有的嗓音领唱Jones自己编写的"Midnite"."Midnite"是一首长达7分钟的抒情歌曲,以非凡的吉他合成器为主题缓慢地舒展开来.Coko在这首强劲歌曲里讲述基督是如何给我们忠告,别只在遇到困难的时候才找他.
“Midnite” 这首歌论述的是大家几乎都经历过的情况 – 当事情变糟糕了我们才向主阐述困难.Gamble强劲的歌声提醒我们SWV为何能够如此成功,在这首极棒的歌里,Gamble仍然表现得十分自如与到位.
Jones + Mobb对他们这张最新专辑确实已全力以赴.充满创造力、神圣无比、合时合宜、激动人心.是的,它真的太美了!
tight:hip, fashionable, 时髦的意思.
bomb: 很好,很酷的意思.
dope : 用作名词是毒品,用作形容词是很酷,很帅,很棒的意思.