下面这个笑话到底哪里好笑了?我看不懂,谁来帮下忙A blonde heard that milk baths would make her beautiful.She left a note for her milkman to leave 25 gallons of milk.When the milkman read the note,he felt there must be a mistake.He

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/24 09:21:31
下面这个笑话到底哪里好笑了?我看不懂,谁来帮下忙A blonde heard that milk baths would make her beautiful.She left a note for her milkman to leave 25 gallons of milk.When the milkman read the note,he felt there must be a mistake.He

下面这个笑话到底哪里好笑了?我看不懂,谁来帮下忙A blonde heard that milk baths would make her beautiful.She left a note for her milkman to leave 25 gallons of milk.When the milkman read the note,he felt there must be a mistake.He
A blonde heard that milk baths would make her beautiful.She left a note for her milkman to leave 25 gallons of milk.
When the milkman read the note,he felt there must be a mistake.He thought she probably meant 2.5 gallons.So he knocked on the door to clarify the point.
The blonde came to the door and the milkman said,"I found your note to leave 25 gallons of milk.Did you mean 2.5 gallons?"
The blonde said,"I want 25 gallons.I'm going to fill my bathtub up with milk and take a milk bath so I can look young and beautiful again."
The milkman asked,"Do you want it pasteurized?"
The blonde said,"No,just up to my breasts."

下面这个笑话到底哪里好笑了?我看不懂,谁来帮下忙A blonde heard that milk baths would make her beautiful.She left a note for her milkman to leave 25 gallons of milk.When the milkman read the note,he felt there must be a mistake.He
一个金发碧眼的美女听说牛奶浴可以使她变得更加漂亮,她就给送奶工人留了个纸条 让他给留下25加仑牛奶
档送奶工人读了纸条,他觉得她肯定弄错了数量 有可能是2.5加仑,所以他就来敲门想弄清事实.
美女来开门 送奶工就说 我发现了你留的纸条 要25加仑牛奶 或许是2.5加仑?
美女说 我想要25加仑 我想把我的的浴缸用牛奶填满然后来个牛奶浴 这样我就可以变得更加年轻漂亮了
送奶工说 拿你需要灭菌消毒吗?
美女说:不用 只要到我的胸部以上就可以了.
说实话 我也感觉不到笑料
是不是把“Pasteurized?(消过毒的)”听成了“past you right?(漫过你了是吗?)”
或者是把“Pasteurized?”听成了“past your eyes?”,突出那个美女无知.


下面这个笑话到底哪里好笑了?我看不懂,谁来帮下忙A blonde heard that milk baths would make her beautiful.She left a note for her milkman to leave 25 gallons of milk.When the milkman read the note,he felt there must be a mistake.He 有什么广告笑话?快来回答!快来回答啊!有没有改了广告的笑话?比如:步步高打火机!哪里不会点哪里!这个就是改过而又好笑的,谁帮我写几个给我看? 冷笑话,看不懂,到底好笑在哪里?从前森林里住着一群小动物,有一只大象有一本死亡笔记,写谁谁就会死,动物们十分恐慌.有一天犀牛去问大象:大象大象,你死亡笔记上写我名没啊?大象想了想 谁有英语笑话,短一点了好笑了简单点了,我要上台请了,本人太爱国的.英语白痴 精子说:oh,shit!请问这个笑话为什么好笑啊? 这个笑话真是十分好笑得很.修改病句 什么笑话最好笑? 给我一个英语笑话不好笑滚蛋 我表明现在连笑话都看不懂了. 谁能讲解一下下面这个算式啊,我看不懂 朕的皇后是伪男:皇上,我会负责的 她哪里好笑了? 英语翻译:我怎么了?一直做别人的小丑,让别人笑话我一番,我又何尝不感到好笑呢? 求这个内涵广告到底是啥意思.我真是看不懂了...太内涵了 哪个好心人给我几个好笑的关于标点符号的笑话我只是做任务谁先来我先猜那谁 不过真正回答更好 我是小学生 谢谢 这个造句笑话不明白用况且造句 火车鞭炮发出况且况且声音 不好笑啊 爆笑文章谁能给我一些特别好笑的文章?不要h的.不要少儿不宜的.笑话也可以,爆笑短信也可以.反正要好笑.一定要注意:禁h,少儿不宜. 这个黄笑话看不懂啊~小红帽去找奶奶,然后奶奶就被大灰狼吃掉了. 我想请教这个幽默笑话的含义?我没看懂,所以没感觉到好笑. 看懂的朋友,请解释一下,谢谢!我想请教这个幽默笑话的含义?我没看懂,所以没感觉到好笑.看懂的朋友,请解释一下,谢谢! 一名获得